Update 12/2/08: Thank you to all who helped raise over $1,600 at this event.

A fundraiser is to be held on Sunday, NOV 9, 2008, at
Catawissa Fire HallDoors open at 12:30, Early Bird at 2:00
400 South St
Catawissa PA 17820 (view map)
Donation of $20 gets you 20 games with 6 squares per game
Specials included. Raffles and lunch available.
Proceeds to benefit the Animal Resource Center, your local no-kill shelter.
Bring a donation of: collar, leash, animal toy, food, paper towels, bleach, bath towel, etc... and receive a bingo card for a special game.
For tickets, call...
The Wizard of Paws: 271-1135
Mary: 594-8754
Linda: 784-3669
Tickets also available at the door.
Longaberger® and the other basket and collection names are the property of The Longaberger® Company. Vera Bradley® is a trademarks of Vera Bradley Designs, Inc. This fundraiser is neither connected with nor sponsored by either company.