The 2006 Yard Sale Epilogue
While we didn't make the $15k we were striving for, we did take in $8k. All things considered, it was still a success despite the horrible weather.
The Yard Sale that was being held at Sunlight Feed & Pet Supply, just southwest of the US-11/SR-42 junction, is rained out. It was going to be a great sale. It started out nice enough... for a day or two.
On June 18th, many volunteers were happily unloading and organizing the abundant contributions to sell. It was a hot & steamy day. On June 19th, the official opening day of the sale, it was a clear, sunny day. It was looking good for the yard sale. Little did we know of the disaster that was to befall us just one week later. Here are some photos from Monday, June 19th. Smiling faces and positive outlooks were the rule.
Then, the rain started. Then, the rain continued... for a week. It started out just as afternoon thunderstorms. Annoying, but tolerable. On Thursday, June 22, I bought computers to sell. I took some home at the end of the day to the protection of my garage, leaving some monitors, printers, and scanners covered up for the night. That was the last decent day.

Then, we had the flood. The river level was originally forecast to have reached levels equivalent to the flood of '72 when Hurricane Agnes came through, 32-34 feet. We ended up cresting at 28.7 feet on the evening of June 28th, about 3-4 feet less than forecast, but still almost 10 feet above flood stage.
It was a whopper. The worst flooding came from runoff resulting from the intense rains flowing through otherwise mellow tributaries. Fishing Creek and Kinney Run, among others, became torrents. The increased rate of flow caused massive erosion. Some homes along them had their foundations compromised and must be razed.
Here are a few links to related images and stories:
We lost a few tents from thunderstorm gusts. Many items were damaged to the point where they have to be discarded. If we're lucky, we may break even on this. :-(
What I wrote before the flood.
With all the articles for sale here, we don't have room to display all the computers we have for sale, so I put them on virtual display here on the web site! I'll try to display them at the yard sale on Thursday.
There are six (6) complete computer systems tested by me, A62Dave. All work and are ready to go. Mind you, these are NOT current models, but each is good enough for basic web surfing, email, and general office use.
I vacuumed out the cases, made sure they boot up, and even ran a scandisk on 'em.
We have scanners, both USB and LPT. We have printers galore; dot matrix, ink jet, and laser. There's even a fax machine.
Get a complete system for only a $20 donation! That includes a computer, monitor, mouse, keyboard. Add a printer and scanner for an additional $2. You choose. Mix & match. They range from a Pentium 133 to a Celeron 533; 16 to 192 megabytes of RAM; Windows 95 to ME. Monitors are 15 and 17" with one 19" (HP M90)!

Here are some photos from during setup on Sunday, June 18th.