Why breed or buy while homeless pets die? Adopt your next pet from the Animal Resource Center of Bloomsburg PA.
Animal Resource Center of Bloomsburg PA
In Hope, An Animal Shelter Story
As a nation, we claim to love cats and dogs. Millions of households have pets, and billions of dollars are spent yearly on pet supplies and food. But as a nation, we should take a hard, sobering look at a different annual statistic: the millions of dogs and cats given up to shelters or left to die on the streets. And the numbers tell only half the story.
Every cat or dog who dies as a result of pet overpopulation—whether humanely in a shelter or by injury, disease, or neglect—is an animal who, more often than not, would have made a wonderful companion, if given the chance. Tremendous as the problem of pet overpopulation is, it can be solved if each of us takes just one small step, starting with not allowing our animals to breed.
Not only are thousands of animals born because their owners don't care enough to alter them, but the big booming money making business of puppy mills creates misery during the animals lives and takes up homes that could have been devoted to responsibly bred pets. It's all about greed and heartlessness in puppymills. 99% of all dogs sold in pet stores come from puppy mills and back yard breeders. You pay a premium and more animals suffer and die. Puppymills are EVIL!
Don´t buy from breeders! Don´t support puppy mills! Stop the source of this misery! Why is it legal to buy pets in American shopping malls? This tells us a lot about the consumers´ attitude there. "Well, let´s buy a dog, a dress and shoes." Donate so that poor people can have their pets neutered. Make a difference!
Why breed or buy while homeless pets die? That is a rhetorical question, as there is no logical answer in the affirmative.
Puppy Facts Database
Perhaps you’ve wondered where your puppy really came from, or wish there was a way to check out a breeder’s record before purchasing a dog. Maybe you just want to learn more about a specific breeding kennel in your neighborhood. Well, now you can!
The ASPCA is pleased to announce the launch of their Puppy Facts Database. This innovative and user-friendly online tool allows you to search through the inspection reports of breeding facilities all over the country. And, if you live in New York, Illinois or Pennsylvania, particular state laws make it possible for you to research pet stores, too!
Listing violations from lack of medical care and unsanitary living conditions to inadequate record keeping, the database will help users make educated decisions about the right place to find a new animal companion. The ASPCA Puppy Facts database houses USDA and State Inspection Reports for breeders and pet stores. These reports will give you an idea of how many animals a breeder has, and if they have ever had violations recorded in their inspection reports.
A letter about Benny
I took the attached photo of him last weekend. I thought you'd like to see it.
Thanks, again, for everything!
Shelter construction status
See also Dec 2010 pics: click here.
As you may know, a caring donor donated a tract of land to us some time ago for the purpose of building our own shelter. This will eliminate the need to lease land and will allow us to build to suit our needs. No longer will we have to compromise our mission to house the homeless, unwanted, and abused animals that come our way. Many people have asked what is being done in order to get our shelter up and running.
I am pleased to announce that construction of our new facility is underway. Jason B. has been instrumental in getting the ball rolling on this, and he has faced many hurdles to the initial construction. He has a plan, and has coordinated with contractors to ensure the timely completion of this major undertaking.
Fall-Winter 2008:

Spring 2009:

This is just the beginning. There is still a long way to go. Due to funding constraints (it is all dependent on donations), construction will be in stages. We will continue to hold fundraisers and take online donations.
July 11, 2009
Booted in landlord dispute, ARC needs to raise money for kennels at future shelter
By CHRIS KREPICH, Press Enterprise Writer
MOUNT PLEASANT TWP. — The Animal Resource Center (ARC) has to move due to a falling out with its landlord, but it needs money to build more kennels at its soon-to-be home. The group would eventually like to house 16 dogs and 40 cats, but that would require about $100,000, says volunteer Linda Bird.
ARC has been leasing land from Paula and Delbert Miller here, but the Millers ended the lease five or six years early, Bird said. Now, she says ARC has about four months to move under a judge's order.
ARC has 20 acres of its own near Eyers Grove, but it needs funding to build kennels for the animals it rescues, said volunteer Jason Barreca.
The ARC, formed seven years ago, has eight dogs in its care now on the Miller property. It will move the existing kennel to the new land, but it will not have room for more animals until more kennels are built.
ARC plans to use modular kennels so it can expand as it has the money. Each modular unit will house eight dogs or cats, and will cost $20,000 to $25,000, Barreca said. He said the group is hoping to have enough funds soon to get the first new unit completed.
"We're building as fast as we can," he said. "As fast as money allows."
A place for strays
ARC holds several fundraisers each year. A large yard sale in the old Ames building at the Columbia Mall is set for Oct. 15-18.
Donations can also be made by calling 784-3669. ARC is nonprofit and donations are tax deductible.
Bird said the group helps police by taking in loose animals, but it mostly takes care of stray cats and dogs. Those animals get medical care, and they are spayed or neutered if needed. Volunteers then work to find them good, permanent homes.
Chris Krepich covers the Danville area. He can be reached at 275-2104 or krep@pressenterprise.net.
September 2009:
These pictures include the painting both the cat and dog buildings, raking and planting grass, and construction of a laundry/utility room to connect the dog and cat buildings.
Cat poisoner to serve 90 days

BLOOMSBURG — A Berwick man who used antifreeze to kill more than a dozen of his neighbor's cats will spend 90 days in jail, a judge ruled Monday.
He was one of three people in court on animal-cruelty charges, including a man who killed a puppy by throwing it against a chair and another defendant who poured scalding water on a cat.
As for the antifreeze case, Franklin Snyder, 27, said he's "not proud" of poisoning and killing 17 cats.
But he says dozens of felines were damaging his property and getting into his Line Street home, and no one would respond to his requests for help.
He doused some cat food in antifreeze only because he was at his wits' end, he told the court.
Animal control officer Kathy Barrett, though, said Snyder never contacted her about a cat problem.
Barrett said she could not legally remove all the animals if she had been notified, but she may have cited the defendant's neighbor.
Snyder, employed as a landscaping laborer, said he also called the SPCA but was told "they wanted $50 to $60 per cat" to remove them.
He estimated neighbor Erica Stevens kept up to 42 cats.
"I'm not happy about it," Snyder said. "I don't think it's funny. And I don't think people having 42 cats is that funny."
President Judge Scott W. Naus said "some imprisonment is appropriate" due to the "awfulness" of the cats' deaths.
Snyder was also fined $300 and granted work release during his jail time, which is set to begin Saturday.

Two other defendants from the Berwick area were in court Monday pleading guilty to animal cruelty.
Charles E. Hubbard, 33, of 17 Lark Drive told a judge he was dealing with anger-management issues when he threw a 6-week-old mixed-breed puppy against a chair in November 2007.
The dog, which belonged to both he and his wife, died of severe injuries.
Hubbard said he is on medication to control his anger, but was also on "medicine" when the animal was killed. He faces up to two years in prison.
Meanwhile, William R. Brenneisen, 23, of 54 Sparrow Drive said he was having problems with a neighbor at Berlin's Trailer Court when he poured boiling water on a cat to "make it go away" last March 19.
Both Hubbard and Brenneisen was ordered back for sentencing.
Leon Bogdan covers courts and police and can be reached at 784-2121, extension 1307, or by e-mailing him at leon.b@pressenterprise.net