To donate, mail your contribution checks made out to "Animal Resource Center" and send it in an envelope along with your name, address, and phone number to:
- Animal Resource Center c/o Linda Bird
301-A Boone Rd
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Have you considered donating but just haven't gotten around to it? Now, we've made it even easier! Save the check, envelope, and stamp for another time. Donate online! Just click on the DONATE logo below.

We also could use...

- High Efficiency (HE) rated laundry detergent (any brand)
- Bleach (any kind)
- Blankets/towels
- Paper towels
- Heavy duty garbage bags
- Cat food - wet and dry
- Long leashes
- Collars for dogs
- Cat toys
- Scratching posts
- either "Halties" or "Gentle Leaders". These items work wonders in changing a dog from a "pulling machine" into a pleasant walking companion.
All contributions are tax deductible.
Non-profit 501-c #23-3069063