Why breed or buy while homeless pets die? Adopt your next pet from the Animal Resource Center of Bloomsburg PA.
Animal Resource Center of Bloomsburg PA
Jan 1 Board Meeting postponed to Jan 8
Pet Photo with Santa
Photo with Santa Dec 8; Bingo Dec 9

Saturday, December 8, 9am-6pm
Wesley United Methodist Church (in rear)
Market Street, Bloomsburg
Vera Bradley Bingo
Sunday December 9th
Catawissa Fire Hall
Doors open at noon
Food and baked goods available
For tickets, call:

Allentown-area kennel surrenders 80 purebred dogs
SLATINGTON (AP) — A Lehigh County kennel has turned over 80 purebred dogs to animal shelters. The owners of Dragonsden Kennels in Washington Township surrendered them after inspectors found dozens of malnourished dogs in a basement.
The Animal Rescue League of Berks County took the dogs. The league kept 55 and distributed the others among area rescue groups and shelters. A woman at the kennel said she could not answer questions about the dogs.
Linda Bird retires from work

Congratulations to Linda Bird on her retirement from her full time job. Many of you probably bought many things from her during her tenure at Sears. She leaves behind many friends there, including me.
Now, she can dedicate her time to the the things she loves: the animals and Doyle. I guess she still has a full time job taking care of all of them!
Benefit food sale at Megargell Farms

There will be a food concession benefitting the Animal Resource Center at Megargell Farms Dec 1 & 2, 8am-5pm
Purse Bingo Dec 9

The Animal Resource Center is to hold a Vera Bradley purse bingo on Dec 9 at the Catawissa Fire Hall. Doors open at noon and the early bird game is at 1:45 p.m.
For tickets, call:
Rapunzel Rapunzel: 784-8886
Shirley's Dolly World: 275-9420
The Wizard Of Paws: 271-1135
Mary: 594-8754
2007 Benefit Banquet epilogue
Thank You Kathy and all the Ladies that help with the meal.
Dinner consisted of a dinner roll, slices of ham, chicken & dressing, corn, green beans, mashed potato and gravy. The bar provided unlimited free soda pop. Mixed drinks were pay as you go.
Everyone had a great time.
URGENT!! Need foster home for a Coonhound
Here is the problem. We have absolutely no room right now. We are in the process of building two more buildings and have had to consolidate everywhere. We are out of space. If and when he is caught the dog warden will have to take him to the SPCA and they will put him down immediately, because of his condition.
We urgently need a foster place for him. If anyone can help, please contact Cyndi Lindenmuth at 570-356-2387 or clindenmuth@gmail.com. We would even be willing to provide an outside kennel.
Thank you all for caring so much.
Pampered Chef Party Nov 20
For more info, call Tammy Meeker at 759-2239.
November Is Adopt-a-Senior-Pet Month
November Is Adopt-a-Senior-Pet Month
Animal Resource Center and Petfinder.com are celebrating November as Adopt-a-Senior-Pet Month.
“Think of a pet that is already trained and doesn’t chew or scratch everything in sight--a pet who will love you unconditionally,” said Kim Saunders, Petfinder.com’s Director of Public Relations. “That’s what you get when you adopt a senior pet.”
Some people worry that a senior pet comes with problems, but according to Hazel Blumberg-McKee of Tallahassee, FL, there are no disadvantages. “In most cases they’ve had a home and they want one again.” She adopted eight-and-a-half-year old Sadie, and has never regretted it. “An older animal is easier to deal with. And Sadie is still playful. She plays fetch and gallops all over the place.”
At animal shelters and rescue groups everywhere, there are loving, healthy senior pets like Sadie, looking for that one special home to cherish them for the rest of their life, and they don’t ask for much: just a warm place to sleep, good meals and plenty of love.
During Adopt-a-Senior-Pet Month, take the opportunity to get acquainted with the older pets available at the Animal Resource Center.
Visit the shelter online at www.nokillarc.org or at www.petfinder.com, shelter number PA469
Gift wrapping in December
Donations happily accepted! :-)
"Vera Bradley" purse bingo Dec 9
For tickets, call Mary at 275-3421 or Kathy, the Wizard of Paws, at 271-1135.
2007 Annual Yard Sale
WHERE: Bloomsburg Fairgrounds Educational Building
WHEN: October 18-21, 2007
Thursday & Friday: 8am-7pm
Saturday: 7am-7pm
Sunday: 9am-4pm
As always, food and baked goods will be available.
New merchandise arrives daily.
Proceeds go toward a new building.
Come support our no-kill shelter.
To donate, please call Irene at 784-6872.
Nice merchandise only, please.
NO CLOTHING. Please donate clothing to the Salvation Army or Goodwill.
This is a correction to an earlier post. The dates have changed to one week later.
Basket Bingo Benefit Sep 16

Members of the Animal Resource Center display baskets available during an upcoming basket bingo to benefit the no-kill organization. The bingo, featuring 25 games and four special games, will be Sunday, Sept. 16, at the Bloomsburg Fire Department. Doors will open at noon with early bird bingo beginning at 1:45.
(from left, Cyndi Lindenmuth, holding Curly, a Bichon Frise mix; Linda Bird; Mary Adams; and Lance Nielsen, holding a kitten named Pepper)
from the Bloomsburg Press-Enterprise

Sunday Sep 16 2007
Bloomsburg Fire Hall
911 Market St.
Doors open at noon
Early Bird: 1:45 pm
Tickets available at door $30
Advance tickets $25 through:
- Rapunzel-Rapunzel: 784-8886
- Shirley's Dolly World: 275-9420
- Wizard of Paws: 271-1135
- Mary at:
-- 594-8754
-- 784-8626
-- 275-3421
-- 437-2101
25 games
9 squares/game
4 special games (extra)
Fundraiser benefits the Animal Resource Center
Mail checks with memo "Basket Bingo" to:
- Mary Adams
117 Hedge Rd
Bloomsburg PA 17815
Snakes part of fundraiser

ARC carnival Aug 25
FOLLOW UP: Click here for some pictures: http://nokillarc.org/20070825carnival.htm
Check for $5,070 presented

Bingo is his name
His current owner works long hours during the day and Bingo does not like being left alone that long. He is okay for maybe a couple of hours, but he will go in the house if no one is there to take care of him. She has tried crating him, but he goes in his crate and then she has to clean both him and the crate. She has tried gating him in the kitchen but he jumps the gate. She tried putting him in her mud room but he chewed a hole in the carpet. He should probably go to a home where the owner is retired or home a lot.
He is good with kids and very loving. He just needs to know you are there. If any one is interested in Bingo, please call Cyndi Lindenmuth at 570-356-2387 or email clindenmuth@geisinger.edu . He is really sweet and needs that special person to love him.
Rod & Custom Cruise-In - Aug 11-12
Yahoo! Calendar - nokillarc
July 17 Fundraiser Meeting CANCELLED
Abby Rose
A man and his dog
"This is Heaven, sir," the man answered. "Wow! Would you happen to have some water?" the man asked. "Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up." The man gestured, and the gate began to open. "Can my friend," gesturing toward his dog, "come in, too?" the traveler asked. "I'm sorry, sir, but we don't accept pets."
The man thought a moment and then turned back toward the road and continued the way he had been going with his dog. After another long walk, and at the top of another long hill, he came to a dirt road leading through a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed. There was no fence. As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book.
"Excuse me!" he called to the man. "Do you have any water?" "Yeah, sure, there's a pump over there, come on in." "How about my friend here?" the traveler gestured to the dog. "There should be a bowl by the pump."
They went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with a bowl beside it. The traveler filled the water bowl and took a long drink himself, then he gave some to the dog. When they were full, he and the dog walked back toward the man who was standing by the tree.
"What do you call this place?" the traveler asked. "This is Heaven," he answered. "Well, that's confusing," the traveler said. "The man down the road said that was Heaven, too." "Oh, you mean the place with the gold street and pearly gates? Nope. That's hell." "Doesn't it make you mad for them to use your name like that?" "No, we're just happy that they screen out the folks who would leave their best friends behind."
Kiki needs a new home

She's 2 years old- born April 1, 2005 (she's an April fool's kitty) she has never had any health problems - though we do take her into the vet regularly for check ups and immunizations.. and she has been spayed. Everyone comments on her silky smooth coat.. she's a beautiful kitty.
After months of fighting between the cats in my home, I realize that while I absolutely love and adore Kiki, she just can't seem to get along with other cats. I've done everything recommended by vets, books, friends, shelters.. trying to get her to adapt to living with other cats but I just can't do this anymore. It feels wrong to allow her to continue to live in such a stressful environment. She is clearly unhappy and the once overly affectionate kitty I used to know is now hissing, fighting, and hiding. She deserves a good home. She is very healthy and when she is not around other cats.. she is the sweetest!
If anyone is interested, please contact Lyn Olszewski at lynn_olszewski@yahoo.com
A bunch of Bull
Full video available for purchase here: http://www.latham.org/videos.asp?Type=Video
Here are two good links to understanding the pit bull and other so-called "bully breeds".
Make A Donation
To donate, mail your contribution checks made out to "Animal Resource Center" and send it in an envelope along with your name, address, and phone number to:
- Animal Resource Center c/o Linda Bird
301-A Boone Rd
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Have you considered donating but just haven't gotten around to it? Now, we've made it even easier! Save the check, envelope, and stamp for another time. Donate online! Just click on the DONATE logo below.

We also could use...

- High Efficiency (HE) rated laundry detergent (any brand)
- Bleach (any kind)
- Blankets/towels
- Paper towels
- Heavy duty garbage bags
- Cat food - wet and dry
- Long leashes
- Collars for dogs
- Cat toys
- Scratching posts
- either "Halties" or "Gentle Leaders". These items work wonders in changing a dog from a "pulling machine" into a pleasant walking companion.
All contributions are tax deductible.
Non-profit 501-c #23-3069063
Free Training Videos
Don't have a high speed connection? No problem.
While supplies last, we will give a training video DVD to anyone who adopts an animal from us. Simply ask your adoption coordinator to provide your information to Dave, the webmaster, and we will see that you get a training video DVD. We do this to help reduce returns, or "pet relinquishments", due to behavior issues. My adopted dog, Ali, was quite the handful (and that's an understatement) when we got her, but Lori and I took the time and effort to train her, and she is now a wonderful member of our family.
Knowledge is power, and the training videos will give you that knowledge.
Scavenger Hunt Benefit June 23
Basket & Boyds Bear Raffle June 19
Your $5 donation enters you for a chance to win anything from a Benjamin Shutterbear valued at $23 to a Large Recipe Basket Set & WC Lid valued at $74. Buy your tickets today.
Contact us for tickets at 570-784-3669. Leave your name & number and we'll call you back.
Basket bingo June 10th
A basket bingo to benefit the Animal Resource Center No-Kill Shelter will be held June 10th at the Bloomsburg Fire Hall, 911 Market St.Doors open at noon, with early bird games at 1:45 and bingo beginning at 2pm . It costs a donation of $20 for 20 games .For tickets, call 784-3669 or 356-7673
Jake the Coonhound
He is neutered, housebroken and UTD on all shots. He is good with older kids, never been around cats, no food aggression and good with other dogs. Listens good, loves to be cuddled. Jake will NOT be adopted for a hunting companion nor outside dog. He must be an inside dog only.
His owner must find him a home due to health problems of her own.
If you are interested in Jake, please call Cyndi at 570-356-2387.
See his pictures.
Yard Sale June 9 in Berwick
Kennel Expansion Help Wanted
If you can help, please send donations to
Animal Resource Center
301A Boone Rd
Please note on your check's memo line that your donation is for the new kennel.
ARC is a registered charity and receipts for tax purposes will be issued on request.
New Look
The most recent news will always appear first. Older items will be further down the page.
If you prefer not to search, there are links to every page which can be accessed directly from any other page. To do so, scroll down until you see the "News Archive" section.
Thank you for your support of the animals.
Dave Hilsdorf
Animal Resource Center webmaster
Adoptables at Danville SPCA
- Bruno, 2, neutered and housebroken who looks like a larger Jack Russell or Fox Terrier;
- a housebroken female Shebu Inu;
- Colby a 6-month-old yellow Labrador Retriever;
- a smaller brown and white neutered male Dalmatian that was abandoned;
- a male black Labrador puppy;
- two Beagles,
- a friendly female Beagle mix;
- a male Boxer;
- Bailey a spayed female Rottweiler-German Shepherd;
- Merlin a neutered housebroken Scottish Terrier;
- a female Akita;
- and a female Shih Tzu.
Cats include
- a nice tiger and white declawed male,
- a rare orange female tabby named Punkin,
- a tiger female
- a black female
- kittens,
- two guinea pigs
- two male rats in tan and black.
Cats and kittens 6 months and older are free to anyone over 60. The shelter, along Bloom Road and three miles from Danville, is open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday. It can be reached at 275-0340.
Sears hosted fundraiser
Hero the Dog

Spaghetti Dinner - May 19th
Renaissance Jamboree in Bloomsburg
We will have a booth/tent at the annual Renaissance Jamboree .
Please come visit our volunteers, buy a cookie, pick up a brochure, ask us questions, or just say hi. University Downtown Chamber arts & crafts fair with fun, food & entertainment. Come for the weekend and discover all our area has to offer!
Foster homes desperately needed.
If anyone would like to contribute to their well being, please call Cyndi Lindenmuth at 570-356-2387 or clindenmuth@geisinger.edu or Tammy Duch at 570-356-7673. Please won't you consider helping them out?
Spring Fling in Danville - May 5
A day of fun in May located in Downtown Danville and filled with over 150 arts & crafts displays, food, entertainment and much more! Free admission.
A Night of Wine & Music: 4/28/07
April 28, 2007. Doors open at 6:00 pm. Tasting starts at 6:30.
Live music by Burgess, Mitchell, and Seal. Hors d'oeuvre provided. Silent auction.
Use GPS coordinates N 40 50.969' W 076 43.861' to find them, or follow the directions below.
- US-11 S to Northumberland;
- SR-147 S into Sunbury;
- Turn LEFT (East) onto SR-61 [Market St] (1.6 mi);
(Market St becomes Highland Ave, then zig-zags on Green St where old railroad used to be); - about 200 yards after the old railroad/zig-zag, bear right onto SR-890;
- go about a mile;
- Keep LEFT onto Plum Creek Rd (0.2 mi); Turn LEFT to stay on Plum Creek Rd (0.9 mi)
ALTERNATE ROUTE from Catawissa or Elysburg:
- SR-487 S to Paxinos;
- Turn RIGHT onto SR-61
- go ~5 mi;
- At Northumberland Memorial Park, Turn LEFT onto CR 4013;
- go 0.4 mi to Millers Crossroads & stay Right onto Plum Creek Rd (CR 4016)
- 0.5 mi to zig-zag at Milts Rd;
- another 1.5 mi on Plum Creek and you're there.
Get a Google Map: Click here!
Calendar of Events
Board Meetings
Check the Calendar of Events for future meetings.
Welcome to the New ARC

While Lori has been doing a wonderful job keeping our adoptable animals photos and bios up to date, I have been fighting with HTML code. Well, that is a lot easier now. Watch this page for updates.
As always, I'll try to keep the calendar up to date with upcoming events.

Check out our new, cleaner-looking calendar via the "Calendar of Events" link on our home page: http://www.nokillarc.org
Thank you for your patience all last year while I hacked out the site, and keep coming back!
David Hilsdorf
ARC Webmaster