Why breed or buy while homeless pets die? Adopt your next pet from the Animal Resource Center of Bloomsburg PA.
Animal Resource Center of Bloomsburg PA
Bima’s Story
Trina’s Story
She is currently recuperating well with her mother in Kristie’s home. She is learning to find her way around a familiar environment and enjoys being held and cuddled. More information on caring for cats with handicaps can be found at http://www.messybeast.com/disabled.htm
TODAY Show features adoptable dogs
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Mera has a home!
Items needed

We also need your old towels for wiping down the dogs after they play outside. Most of the dogs like to curl up in the towels, too.
Stolen dog returned dead

This is such a sad story... it is sad that there are such terrible people in the world.
This story is from the Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Edition of the Press Enterprise
By KRISTIN BAVER, Press Enterprise Writer
NORTH CENTRE TWP. — A family here is still trying to figure out why someone stole their beloved dog on Christmas Eve and returned him dead days later.
The thief took the 22-month-old chocolate Labrador, named Duke, and his food dish from outside Shari and Michael Jurbala's home that night, the family says. The dog's carcass reappeared mysteriously four days later, in a mud puddle at the end of a nearby driveway.
Duke's back was broken as if he'd been hit by a car. His dish was also returned to his kennel the same day, filled with a strange type of food mixed with chili.
Mr. Jurbala, 45, figures Duke may have been stolen to be given as a Christmas present, but got away from his captor and was killed while trying to run home. Maybe the thief collected Duke's body and decided to return him.
"I just want to know what happened," he said. "(Duke) was my buddy."
'Too friendly'
So much about the events surrounding Duke's death raises questions for the Jurbalas.
The family believes the thief must have befriended their canine because they didn't hear any noise as he was whisked away. "He was too friendly. That's what got him in trouble," Mr. Jurbala said.
Mrs. Jurbala, 44, says she's scared, knowing that a stranger was trespassing near her home even while her family was gathered inside. The house was also burglarized about 15 years ago, the couple says.
The last time the family saw Duke alive, he was out romping. Mr. Jurbala went inside to fetch a ham bone for the pet; when he returned, the dog and his dish were gone. At the time, the whole family was getting ready to visit with relatives for the holiday, Mrs. Jurbala said. Swiping the pet with everyone home "was very gutsy," she says.
'Everybody loved him'
The Jurbalas took Duke in during the summer of 2007, when a relative decided he couldn't keep the rambunctious puppy. "We didn't want him," Mr. Jurbala recalled. "But the family fell in love with him." "Everybody loved him," Mrs. Jurbala added. "He loved everybody." With too much energy to stay indoors, Duke was soon residing in a private kennel near the family's home.
He enjoyed playing hide and seek with the Jurbala's daughter, and sometimes wandered free around the yard. In the winters, they kept him warm with extra straw and three fleece blankets. And they took turns microwaving Duke's food. "I just felt he had to have a warm belly," Mrs. Jurbala said. If Mrs. Jurbala and the children, Michael, 18, and Jessica, 14, get their way, the family will have another dog some day.
But Mr. Jurbala isn't so sure. "I'll never have another one like him."
Stranger spotted
Three days after Duke disappeared, the worried family placed a lost dog ad in the newspaper. A few people called after spotting similar animals, but Mrs. Jurbala said the descriptions didn't quite fit or didn't include Duke's distinctive orange collar. They also called dog law enforcer John Graham. Then Dec. 28, Mrs. Jurbala recalls spotting a man walking through the family's carport about 20 minutes before the dog's body turned up. She didn't give it a second thought until the dish and the dog reappeared.
Duke was trained to never cross the road, and the family never had a problem keeping the pooch on their property, they say. And there were no tracks to indicate how Duke had found his way to the nearby driveway, unless he was placed there.
The Jurbalas filed a police report after burying their dog with his dish and the toys that were meant to be Christmas presents. They're also offering an unspecified reward for any information about what happened, according to the newspaper advertisement.
Mrs. Jurbala describes the stranger as being about 5-foot-10, white, and wearing a tan, Carhartt-like jacket.
Anyone with information can call Briar Creek Township Police at 784-6303 or 759-0354.
Kristin Baver can be reached at 387-1234 ext. 1310 or kristin.b@pressenterprise.net.
Why support ARC?
Anonymous - "To help feed and house homeless animals"
Anonymous - "they are enabling helpless pets find forever homes through community education and they promote spaying/neutering"
Dawn Kessler - "Haven to Home"
Anonymous - "An exceptional shelter that needs help"
Anonymous - "We have adopted from this agency and they are wonderful!They provide a wonderful service! They are the voice for so many neglected animals!"
Anonymous - "They are dedicated volunteers who have the animals best intrest at heart."
Jessica Hand - "My family has adopted pets from the shelter numerous times and all have left pawprints on our hearts. This shelter knows what it takes to care for those who can not speak out on their own."
Rose Bogart - "I feel that animals in our country are left behind. I volunteer 3 nights a week to help walk and clean up after the dogs. I have been doing this for 4 year and I will continue to help. We are trying to make a difference in these dear little lives. These are the dogs and cat that people have dumped. Shame on them. I guess humans don't realize that animals are God's creatures also and in the end we will all answer for the things we have done to them"
ruth hosterman - "Animals are just as important as humans and deserve to live"
Ali Ali - "I was adopted by Dave & Lori. If it weren't for ARC, I'd have no home!"
Anonymous - "great local group"
Anonymous - "Because through my niece who has volunteered there, I know they do good work."
Donna Gillaspy - "They are very dedicated to housing and caring for their animals. I have adopted a dog and am fostering a kitten and helping find a home for her"
Anonymous - "They save lives. They are dedicated, caring, hard working individuals."
valerie mcannaney - "Because they help the helpless ones!"
olive small - "because they do a lot of good care for the animals"
Anonymous - "I love Dogs!!!"
Clint Grommett - "Because it's close to where I live, and animal rights awareness needs to be increased in the area."
brittany keyser - "SAVE THE ANIMALS!"
Anonymous - "Why not?!"
Anonymous - "I know how much the people there care about the animals there!"
Jo Wright - "The work they do for animals is important!!!"
Cheryl Wolfe - "They are the special friends and voices of the animals."
dianne leonard - "It's all about the animals and the people who help them find forever homes."
Michelle Conner - "They have done a wonderful job finding families for so many dogs and cats in our area. Great people!"
John and Kathy Butler - "They helped up adopt a great dog and screened us carefully so he would be certain to get a great home"
Ross Serino - "My Friend on Doggyspace asked for support"
Dana Terry - "Animal Resource Center"
Bev Howell - "Special people meeting special needs."
Patrick Carr - "They save loving animals from abuse and match them with good permanent homes."
Dave Hilsdorf - "I maintain the web site and want to save the animals."
Joleen Abicht - "Great people with a lot of heart!"
Foley 'n' Pocket - "For my doggy space friend"
Mary Farver - "I have adopted four of my best friends from them! I am grateful they were there to rescue them!"
Valerie Cintron - "Polly Wong asked me too"
Valerie Zerbe - "I'm told they are a great shelter"
Marisela Gress - "I saw on doggyspace"
Anonymous - "I saw it on doggy space"
LaVera Young - "They do a great service."
Valarie Dietterick - "Because I have delt with them and think they do great work. "